Reasonably-priced garage door repair and installation in Sacramento
1099 stewart rd Sacramento, CA 95684

4 Repairs to Extend Lifetime of Your Garage Door

4 Repairs to Extend Lifetime of Your Garage Door

It’s easy to take a well working garage door for granted. About 99% of the time, your garage door functions so smoothly you barely even think about it. It’s easy to forget how much convenience they provide our lives. At the same time, they also provide security — protecting a home against burglary. When your garage door doesn’t work, it seems like your life grinds to a halt. Getting it back up and running as soon as possible becomes a top priority.

But there’s a secret to avoiding emergency garage door repairs: Do preventative repair and maintenance. As a general rule, being proactive with your garage door repair will not only cost less in the long run, but will lead to a superior performing garage door that lasts longer. It will also avoid most emergency breaks. You’ll spot issues ahead of time so you can deal with the repairs on your schedule — not when you’re struggling to get out the door at 6 a.m.

Here are a few ways you can extend the life of your garage door, avoid unnecessary repairs, and get the best value for your garage door investment.

The Importance of an Annual Tune Up

Most people don’t think about their garage doors until there is a problem — something breaks and it needs repaired. But the truth is by tuning up your garage door from time to time, you’ll minimize repairs and have a smoother functioning door. You’ll also extend its lifespan. Here are a few things you should do every six months.

Oil the springs, rollers, hinges and all moving parts. But be sure to use a garage door lubricant specifically designed for garage doors — not WD40, which will cause your components to prematurely rust. Get in there with a paint brush so the oil is thoroughly absorbed.

Have Your Door Professionally Inspected

Inspect your door and components every few months. Look for any brittleness in the springs, worn out rollers, or if the door is out of balance.

Some critical issues can be easy to miss, which is why it’s a good idea to have a professional do an inspection on an annual basis. Have them look at the springs, test the balance, and check that the tracks are in good shape.

Repaint/Reseal Wooden Doors

If you have a wooden door, you’ll want to have it resealed and painted every few years. This will not only give your door a fresher look but protect it against pests and the elements. Wooden doors have a beautiful natural appeal — but require more upkeep.

Stay on Top of Repairs

We offer 24 hour emergency garage door repair for a reason — when your door breaks, you need it repaired immediately. But the truth is most repair needs can be spotted and dealt with ahead of time. Take a proactive approach to garage door repair. Replace springs before they break. Switch out the rollers and hinges before they’re due. You’ll get better performance and value from your door in the long run.

Tips to Repairing a Broken Garage Door

The cost to repair a garage door when it’s broken can vary widely. It depends on what’s wrong with it and how serious it is. In some cases, you’ll be able to fix it yourself. If it involves anything to do with the springs, however, you really should call a garage door professional. These springs are under incredible tension and can cause serious bodily injury and even death if they should snap. If the repair seems beyond your tool set or expertise, you should also call a professional. It’s not worth the safety risk or damaging your door. Most garage door companies offer 24/7 emergency repair service so you should be able to repair it as quickly as possible. You depend on your garage door for safety, security and convenience. Get it fixed today so your life is back on track.