Archive: June 2022
Garage Door Problems: Should You DIY, Have it Repaired, or Totally Replace?
Your garage door is the biggest and heaviest piece of equipment in your home. It does a lot of work, and it makes your life way more convenient. So, when it stops operating correctly, or altogether, you notice. But how do you know what’s an
A Garage Door Stuck Open is More Than Just Inconvenient
Having a garage door stuck closed might be the most frustrating garage door problem – especially if your car is stuck inside and you need to get to work. But if your garage door is stuck open, that’s also not a great situation. Yes, it’s
5 Reasons You Should Reconsider Garage Door Repair DIY & Hire a Pro
Thanks to the Internet, you can learn how to do pretty much any job yourself — including garage door repair. But here’s the thing: Do you really want to? Garage door blogs and YouTube videos make a lot of this stuff look easier than it
Garage Door Repair DIY: Making Adjustments to Your Garage Door
Your garage door is huge, heavy, and multiple times a day, 365. All those moving and interlocking parts mean that, through repeated motion, your garage door will get a little unbalanced every once in a while; the door may even come off track. And it