We safeguard our garages against burglars, but rarely think about those teenee-tiny home intruders — cockroaches, rats, and other pests that have chosen home intrusion as their career. They often sneak in at night when we’re sound asleep. They borough in during inclement weather. And unlike human criminals, they can sometimes live for weeks or even months without us even realizing it. And the whole time they are wreaking havoc in your garage, chewing through your precious valuables, littering the place with feces, spreading disease and filth.
The good news is with proactive garage door repairs and pest control, you can keep your garage clean and free of rodents. Here are 4 tricks to keeping a pest free, clean garage.
Keep a Clean Garage
One of the surest ways to keep out the pests is to not tempt the little buggers in the first place. Clean out any trash or food. If you do keep food or even pet food, keep it in a secure container. Throw out anything rotten or moldy. Keep the garage clean and dry. Rats crave cardboard like an all you can eat Chinese buffet. Use plastic totes instead.
Avoid Rain & Flood Water
Rain and flood water can cause all sorts of problems when it comes to pests. When it rains, always be sure to sop up any puddles that might leak in. Be wary of loose garbage can lids that can collect standing water. This can lead to a problem with mosquitos and it can attract pests.
If you are expecting a serious storm like a hurricane, line the bottom of your door with sandbags. This will keep out flood water, but it will also prevent animals from using your garage as a source of refuge.
Block Up the Entrance
Make sure to seal any cracks, openings, or crevices. Any crack more than a third of an inch wide is practically a front door to a cockroach. Make sure windows are sealed without any gaps. Repair or replace the weatherstripping around the garage door, as well as the garage door seal. This will keep out pests as well as inclement weather. You’ll have a dryer garage, which will also deter pests.
Set Traps
Play dirty. Set out peanut butter rat traps. If you have dogs, keep the traps up high where they won’t reach. If you have cats, you might want to use humane traps that allow for release. Always tell kids never to touch or play with the traps.
Call an Exterminator
If you have already been invaded, it might be time to call in an exterminator. If the garage door is the problem, he or she could work one-on-one with a garage door repair professional to better secure your home.
Invest in a New Garage Door
Perhaps your pest problem could be the condition of your garage door itself. Maybe your missing panels, the door has fallen apart in a way that leaves openings for critters, or it has become infested with insects. If this is the case, you should probably consider installing a new garage door.
If pests have been a considerable problem, you might consider opting for a garage door material that’s not wood such as steel or aluminum. The beauty of installing steel or aluminum doors is they are impervious to pests. They also last a long time. You won’t have holes. Panels won’t wear away. These are heavily fortified garage doors that protect against infestations.