Reasonably-priced garage door repair and installation in Sacramento
1099 stewart rd Sacramento, CA 95684

Archive: April 2023

5 Ideas to Inspire Your Garage Conversion


Your garage doesn’t have to be just a garage. If you feel like you don’t need a dedicated garage, you’d rather increase your living space, or you feel like your garage is being wasted – having become an unofficial storage unit, consider converting it to

Keeping up with the Joneses: Current Garage Door Trends


A new garage door is a significant investment, but if it’s done right, it’s a solid one. It’s well-known and agreed-upon that the cost of a new garage door is over a 95% return on investment in terms of home value and equity. There are

Reasons to Consider Switching to an Aluminum Garage Door


Feeling like your garage door’s gotten a little high-maintenance? If you’ve got a wooden or steel door, you very well may. And while we love a good solid wooden carriage house garage door, not everyone wants to deal with the extra care. What’s the laziest

Garage Door Dent Repair Made Easy

Aluminum doors are great when it comes to price and convenience, but they tend to dent (especially older doors). Fortunately, repairing a dent in a garage door is a fairly easy DIY job. Fill a bucket with soapy dish water. Wash the dented area. Allow it to dry. Cover the dented area with aluminum foil — the more, the better. Allow for excess foil to completely cover the area. Light a lighter and run it back and forth across the foil for a minute. Remove the foil. Hold a can of compressed air upside down and spray the dent. (Holding the can upside down allows for carbon monoxide to be released — the magic ingredient). The extreme differences in temperature will cause the aluminum to pop back out. Run a hose over the repaired area to remove any excess carbon monoxide.