Do you work at home? If so, you may be able to save a few extra bucks this year by using the Home Office deduction. When most people think of home tax deductions, rooms designated as an office may come to mind. But did you know that your garage can also count as an office?
To find out if you’re eligible, you’ll need to first determine if you conduct regular and exclusive business operations within your garage. If you only use it sporadically, then you may not be eligible.
Second, your garage must be your primary place of business. You can operate your business all around Roseville and Folsom, but if you only come into your garage to store files then you’re probably not eligible.
While those are the basic qualifiers, it does get more complicated – it’s taxes, after all! Here at Sac’s Garage Door Repair, we’re experts in garage door maintenance, not filing taxes. Consider consulting with a tax professional if you need help determining if you qualify for a garage home office deduction.