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Do You Have Toxic Mold in Your Garage?


Garage Door SafetyMold comes in all shapes and sizes. Commonly brought into your home on clothing, it seeks out an area of moisture where it will thrive. Areas of poor ventilation, darkness, and moist air are the perfect conditions for a colony of mold to grow. While mold growth can happen anywhere, garages are a common problem spot. Fortunately, cleaning mold in your garage is not all that different than removing it in any other room of your home.

Why You Need to Remove Mold As Soon As Possible

According to the CDC, mold can cause a variety of health problems including nasal stuffiness, coughing, throat irritation, and skin irritation. Mold is especially dangerous to individuals who are immune-compromised or have mold allergies. Some studies even indicate that mold may be linked to neurological problems.

Health issues aren’t the only concern. Mold that’s left to colonize can quickly cause structural damage to your home. It only takes a few days for fungi to spread, so taking action now is important.

How to Clean Up Dangerous Mold in Your Garage

Mold removal starts with isolating the contamination. First, if it’s been growing on a wood or composite wood garage panel for a long period of time, the door may be damaged and no longer safe. Immediately stop using the door and contact a garage door repair company to replace it. If mold is on a concrete garage floor, you can remove it with a stiff brush and a disinfectant. Cleaning agents that can kill mold include:

  • Bleach
  • Ammonia
  • Vinegar
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Hydrogen Peroxide

Remember to always wear protective clothing when removing mold. At the minimum, this should include gloves and a mask. Spray your preferred cleaning agent onto the concrete and allow it to sit for at least an hour. Afterward, scrub the area clean with hot water. Depending on how bad the infestation is, you can repeat this process twice.

Mold on garage walls can also be removed in the same manner. However, if your garage wall is made of porous material like unpainted drywall or wood, you may need to completely remove the wall. While it may look clean on the outside, mold can travel behind the wall and cause further structural damage. If you discovered the mold problem quickly or it’s on painted wall, you may be able to avoid destroying the wall.

Steps to Prevent Garage Mold Recontamination

Once you’ve eliminated the mold, it’s important to also take steps in preventing it from coming back.

  1. Try to leave your garage doors open for a few hours every week. This will help with air circulation.
  1. Remove excess moisture by purchasing a small dehumidifier for your garage.
  1. Install windows or buy new garage doors that allow sunlight to enter the garage. Mold does not grow in direct sunlight.

Mold is a problem that is best addressed as early as possible. If ignored, the contamination could become too large to handle on your own and you may need to hire a professional to help.

Garage Mold Removal Strategies for Homeowners

Found mold in your garage? We’ll show you how to safely eliminate it. Mold is dangerous – don’t put off cleaning it any longer.