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Garage Keypad Installation for Homeowners


how to install a garage door keypadA garage door keypad is a great option for homeowners looking for a convenient and simple way to open their panel from the outside. You might be wondering why a keypad for the garage is useful when you already have a remote. Good question!

While a portable remote is also a convenient option, it is bulky to carry around and can easily get lost or stolen. With a built-in keypad, you never have to worry about remembering to carry around your remote. And it’s great if you have kids who need to get into the home but don’t have a remote or house key.

Installing a Keypad

First, check your garage door opener and make sure it’s compatible with wireless keypads. Even if it is compatible, you’ll also want to ensure it can work with the same frequency as your new keypad. Consult with the manufacturer’s documentation or call a technician for help.

Once you have purchased your keypad, make sure to insert a fresh set of batteries and program your pin number in according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure to keep your pin private and don’t use anything obvious like birthdays. Before installing the keypad, test out your pin and make sure it opens the door. If it works, go ahead and install the keypad about 5 feet off the ground, on the inner side of the doorjamb. Most wireless entry devices can be installed with two screws, so all you need to do is drill it in and you’re good to go!

Garage Door Dent Repair 101 Explained

Aluminum doors are great because they don’t require much maintenance. Unfortunately, they also dent easily, especially if you’ve got kids who love sports. Fortunately, repairing a garage door dent is pretty easy with this cool science trick. Start by washing the dent with soapy water and allowing to dry. Next, cut a section of aluminum foil to cover the dented area. Light a lighter and move the flame back and forth along the foil. Remove the foil. Then spray a can of canned air on the dented area. Holding it upside down is key because carbon dioxide is the main ingredient. Wait a couple of minutes. The extreme changes in temperature should cause the dent to pop back into place.