The longer you own your garage door, the more you’ll notice problems with its performance – especially if you don’t take proper care of it. Common signs that your garage door needs a little attention include:
- Noisiness
- Difficulty opening
- Visible signs of rust
- Frequent breakdowns
We typically recommend that garage door owners spend a few minutes a month inspecting their door for problems as well as lubricating specific garage door parts. Your spring, hinges, and roller can all be lubricated. Stick with a white lithium grease or silicon spray. Don’t use WD-40 because that can strip lubricant from the parts.
If you see rust, don’t panic. It takes a long take before damage occurs. You can salvage most parts by using a rust removal solution followed up by lubrication. If it looks like the rust has damaged the part, you should consider hiring a garage door repair company to replace it.
Also – don’t lubricate your rail as it could lead to a garage door off track problem.
Take Care of Your Garage Door and It Will Take Care of You
We know how easy it is to ignore things until they break, but by spending just a little bit of your time looking after your garage door you can prevent problems before they occur.