Reasonably-priced garage door repair and installation in Sacramento
1099 stewart rd Sacramento, CA 95684

Woman gets Kidnapped by Tilt Up Garage Door


We can all agree that when an overhead garage door keeps closing while someone is in its path, it can be a high stakes situation in terms of safety. But sometimes it’s all fun and games, because no one gets hurt. The main character in this video is just trying to go on a nice motorcycle ride, and doesn’t even notice when their closing garage door collects a woman who’s just innocently walking by. Check it out –

Need Garage Door Repair Tips? Just Ask Sacs Garage Door Repair Co!

Maybe you’ve got a messed up garage door spring, your door came off track, or simply doesn’t seem to be working. There are many things that can cause problems with your garage door, from broken parts to poor care to dead remote batteries that need changed. If you’re looking for advice on how to troubleshoot your broken garage door, you can check out our blog, or give us a call to talk to an experienced pro. Some repairs are safe to do yourself, others not so much. If you understand how your garage door’s infrastructure works, though, it’s easier to figure out what’s going wrong, rule out the easy-to-fix causes, and know when it’s time to give us a call.