Reasonably-priced garage door repair and installation in Sacramento
1099 stewart rd Sacramento, CA 95684

World’s Strangest Garages


Auto Shop DoorIt’s a garage. You put vehicles in it. Maybe you store rarely used household items and lawn tools in it, or perhaps you have your workshop there. Hey, some people even convert garages into living space, and many popular breweries, restaurants and art galleries have used garages to hold their businesses. Okay, so we admit: a garage can be much more than just a garage! What creative, odd or downright crazy garage ideas have you come across?

We found some of the world’s strangest garages took us quite by surprise. And not to be outdone, parking garages around the world have also tested the limits of mere structure to gain attention!

Garage Opener Repair: What To Do When Your Door Won’t Open

Have you invested into an automatic garage that no longer functions? Tired of having to manually open your garage door every time you want to leave the house? Sac’s Garage Repair Company can help. We understand the frustration caused when things just don’t work. If you paid for the convenience and safety of a garage opener, then you deserve one that works properly. Sometimes the issue could be as simple as an obstruction or broken garage remote. Other times, there may be an underlying problem with the door itself or circuit board. Our professional techs know garage doors inside and out. Contact us today and we’ll get your automatic opener running like brand new.